Saturday, 24 November 2012

Value Set - NULL Check in Oracle Apps

Value Set - NULL valueset

Note that a bind variable, by default, is required; that is, it must have a value for the statement, expression, or user exit which uses it to have meaning. A bind variable can be made optional by using the :NULL suffix; so that if the bind variable is NULL, the segment/parameter using it will be disabled, and its required property (if enabled) will be
ignored. The :NULL suffix is discussed at the end of this section.

:NULL suffix
Use the :NULL suffix to make your bind variable optional, that is, allow null values. Instead of :block.field, :$PROFILES$.Option_name, or :$FLEX$.Value_set_name, you would use :block.field:NULL, $PROFILES$.Option_name:NULL, or :$Flex$.Value_set_name:NULL, respectively. For example, if your value set name is Car_Maker_Name_Value_Set, you would use
use :$FLEX$.Value_Set:NULL IS NULL expression to check if that particular value set has a NULL value

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