Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Import Item Standard API in Oracle Apps

Import Item in Oracle Apps

Mandatory Values in  mtl_system_items_interface table

Column : process_flag, set_process_id, transaction_type, organization_id,segment1, description,template_id

Insert script for Interface table

INSERT INTO mtl_system_items_interface
             (process_flag, set_process_id, transaction_type, organization_id,
            segment1, description, template_id
     VALUES (1, 1, 'CREATE', 2,
             ' XXITEM ', ' XX Import Item ', 2

Once the data has been loaded into interface table then run standard concurrent program Import Items from 
INV SUPER USER Responsibility to import data into base tables.

1] All Organizations:
  • Yes: Run the interface for all organization codes in the item interface table.
  • No: Run the interface only for the organization you are currently in. Item interface rows for organizations other than your current organization are ignored.
2] Validate Items:
  • Yes: Validate all items and their data residing in the interface table that have not yet been validated. If items are not validated, they will not be processed into Oracle Inventory.
  • No:  Do not validate items in the interface table.
3] Process Items:
  • Yes: All qualifying items in the interface table are inserted into Oracle Inventory.
  • No: Do not insert items into Oracle Inventory.
4] Delete Processed Rows:
  • Yes: Delete successfully processed items from the item interface tables.
  • No: Leave all rows in the item interface tables.
5] Process Set:
Enter a number for the set id for the set of rows you want to process. The program picks up the rows marked with that id in the SET_PROCESS_ID column. If you leave this field blank, all rows are picked up for processing regardless of the SET_PROCESS_ID column value.

Working with failed interface rows:

If a row fails validation, the Item Interface sets the PROCESS_FLAG to 3 (Assign/validation failed) and inserts a row in the interface errors table, MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS. To identify the error message for the failed row, the program automatically populates the TRANSACTION_ID column in this table with the TRANSACTION_ID value from the corresponding item interface table.
The UNIQUE_ID column in MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS is populated from the sequence MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE_S. Thus, for a given row, the sequence of errors can be determined by examining UNIQUE_ID for a given TRANSACTION_ID.
You should resolve errors in the sequence that they were found by the interface, that is, in increasing order of UNIQUE_ID for any TRANSACTION_ID.

Resubmitting an Errored Row:

During Item Interface processing, rows can error out either due to validation (indicated by PROCESS_FLAG = 3 in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE and the corresponding error in MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS) or due to an Oracle Error.
When an Oracle Error is encountered, the processing is stopped and everything is rolled back to the previous save point. This could be at PROCESS_FLAG = 1, 2, 3, or 4.
When you encounter rows errored out due to validations, you must first fix the row corresponding to the error with the appropriate value. Then reset PROCESS_FLAG = 1, INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = null, and TRANSACTION_ID = null. Then resubmit the row for reprocessing.
To check the errors in interface table.

    MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS where request_id= :p_req_id

Once the items has been successfully imported then process_flag value will be changed 7 in interface table.

You can also able to see the error in interface table MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS

PROCESS_FLAG Values after running the Import Items concurrent program

1= Pending, 
2= Assign Complete,
3= Assign/Validation Failed, 
4= Validation succeeded; Import failed, 
5 = Import in Process,
7 = Import succeeded

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